Hands Off Mother Earth Alliance​

Hands Off Mother Earth (HOME) Alliance is a diverse and inclusive coalition of civil society, Indigenous Peoples’, feminists, human rights, grassroots and climate justice groups that are working to reject all forms of geoengineering as false solutions to the climate crisis, while fighting for real solutions.

Hands Off Mother Earth Alliance

Hands Off Mother Earth (HOME) Alliance is a diverse and inclusive coalition of Indigenous Peoples’, civil society, feminists, human rights, grassroots and climate justice groups that are working to reject all forms of  geoengineering as false solutions to the climate crisis, while fighting for real solutions.

What is geoengineering?

Geoengineering includes many different technologies. They are all risky, speculative and poised to be controlled by superpowers and wealthy corporations. They either attempt to remove already emitted greenhouse cases (CDR) or to reflect incoming sunlight (SRM). None address the root causes of climate change.

Marine geo-engineering

Dumping minerals, creating huge algae blooms and more...

Land-based geo-engineering

Causing massing land-grabs and ecosystem harm...

Atmosphere and space geo-engineering

Dimming the sun by deliberate pollution...



…is the large-scale and intentional, technological manipulation of the Earth’s oceans, land and atmosphere as a technological “fix” to the climate crisis


…does nothing to address greenhouse gas emissions or the root causes of climate change 


….is based on the same thinking that have got us into the climate crisis in the first place


…relies on technologies that are risky, speculative and likely to introduce grave new threats


exacerbates colonialism, inequality and (climate) injustices while growing the power of wealthy elites and corporations


is a dangerous distraction that undermines real climate action and lets big polluters off the hook 

What we need

Proven, real solutions

to the climate crisis
that are gender-just and rights-centred

A deep transformation

and overhaul of the current economic and financial system

Solidarity, equity and justice

at the local, national and global level

What does HOME Alliance do?

All members of the Alliance stand behind the HOME Manifesto.

Movement building

We mobilise movements across continents. We build power to champion real solutions and counter geoengineering.


We engage in policy spaces — from the local level to United Nations fora — to advocate for effective and precautionary international agreements to oppose the legitimisation of geoenegineering


We build and support campaigns against geoengineering projects and for sound policies and restrictive regulations and governance.


We influence the public discourse by engaging in media and popular education work to counter efforts to normalise geoengineering.

Latest news

Press release
Arctic Ice PR
January 30, 2025

Press Release - Geoengineering Fails Again: Arctic Ice Project Shuts Down Over Ecological Concerns

*Communities Reiterate Geoengineering Is No Solution to Climate Crisis*

HOME Alliance News | Press release
EU Report Reaction
December 9, 2024

Press Release: Civil Society Rings Alarm on Recommendations to European Union on Solar Radiation Modification

Reiterate that technofixes are a dangerous distraction from real climate action

For immediate release  09 December, 2024 Civil society groups including Indigenous Peoples and climate justice groups are deeply concerned about recommendations on Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) published today by Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission. While the advice highlights the grave and essentially irresolvable risks of Solar Radiation Modification, the policy recommendations risk legitimising and facilitating solar geoengineering. The Scientific Opinion of the Chief Scientific Advisors draws on an...

For immediate release  09 December, 2024 Civil society groups including Indigenous Peoples and climate justice groups are deeply concerned about recommendations on Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) published today by Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission. While the advice highlights the grave and essentially irresolvable risks of Solar Radiation Modification, the policy recommendations risk legitimising and facilitating solar geoengineering. The Scientific Opinion of the Chief Scientific Advisors draws on an...

Press release
Copy of Reactive COP29 Press Release (Square Sticker)
November 23, 2024

Press Release: COP29 Gives Entry to Carbon Markets Making A Dangerous Step Backward for Climate Justice

*Gives Geoengineering A Path To Enter*

Press release
Reactive COP29 Press Release (Square Sticker)
November 20, 2024

Press Release: At COP29 Threat of Carbon Markets Looms Large 

*Gives Geoengineering A Path To Enter*

Press release
COP29 Press Release (Square Sticker) (1)
November 12, 2024

PRESS RELEASE: Disastrous Start to COP29 As Countries Bulldoze Ahead with Carbon Markets Paving Way for Risky Geoengineering Technofixes

*Comes at Expense of Ecosystems, Communities and Human Rights*

Press release
CBD COP16 Final Press Release
November 4, 2024

PRESS RELEASE: A Big Win As UN Convention on Biological Diversity COP16 Reaffirms Geoengineering is a Risk| NOTA DE PRENSA: La COP16 del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica de la ONU reafirma que la geoingeniería es un riesgo

Press conference | Media advisory
Final_2nd press con doc
November 1, 2024

Media Advisory – Geoengineering at CBD COP16: Updates from Week 2

(Abajo sigue la version en Español) Members of Hands Off Mother Earth! (HOME) Alliance will share insights into how the negotiations on geoengineering are unfolding as CBD COP16 with a focus on why geoengineering is a risk to biodiversity and climate, peoples and communities. The  Convention on Biological Diversity has shown leadership in addressing geoengineering risks at several COPs, after establishing a de facto moratoria in COP10 which was reaffirmed COP13. Despite CBD’s...

(Abajo sigue la version en Español) Members of Hands Off Mother Earth! (HOME) Alliance will share insights into how the negotiations on geoengineering are unfolding as CBD COP16 with a focus on why geoengineering is a risk to biodiversity and climate, peoples and communities. The  Convention on Biological Diversity has shown leadership in addressing geoengineering risks at several COPs, after establishing a de facto moratoria in COP10 which was reaffirmed COP13. Despite CBD’s...

Press release
Second Press CON CBD COP16 Square
November 1, 2024

Press Release: COP16 Still Has Opportunity to Address Geoengineering Risks | Nota de prensa: La COP16 aún tiene la oportunidad de abordar los riesgos de la geoingeniería

Side event
SIde event week 2
October 30, 2024

Geoingeniería Climática, riesgos para la Biodiversidad y las comunidades / Climate Geoengineering, Risks for Biodiversity and Communities

Side event, Green Zone

Únase a nuestro evento Geoingeniería climática: riesgos para la biodiversidad y las comunidades ¿Qué es la geoingeniería, cómo nos afecta, que pasa en la COP 16? Informar a las y los participantes de la COP de los Pueblos sobre qué es la geoingeniería climática, (tanto geoingeniería solar, como las propuestas de remoción de dióxido de carbono terrestre y marino) y cuáles son los riesgos potenciales que estas propuestas representan para...

Únase a nuestro evento Geoingeniería climática: riesgos para la biodiversidad y las comunidades ¿Qué es la geoingeniería, cómo nos afecta, que pasa en la COP 16? Informar a las y los participantes de la COP de los Pueblos sobre qué es la geoingeniería climática, (tanto geoingeniería solar, como las propuestas de remoción de dióxido de carbono terrestre y marino) y cuáles son los riesgos potenciales que estas propuestas representan para...

Press conference | Media advisory
October 24, 2024

Media Advisory - Geoengineering at CBD COP16: Updates from Week 1 / Aviso a los medios - Geoingeniería en la COP16 del CDB: Últimas noticias de la primera semana

(Abajo sigue la version en Español) Media Advisory Geoengineering at CBD COP16: Updates from Week 1 Members of Hands Off Mother Earth! (HOME) Alliance will share insights into the first week of CBD COP16 process with a focus on why geoengineering is a risk to biodiversity and climate, peoples and communities. The Convention on Biological Diversity has been a pioneer in addressing challenges with geoengineering and how it impacts communities...

(Abajo sigue la version en Español) Media Advisory Geoengineering at CBD COP16: Updates from Week 1 Members of Hands Off Mother Earth! (HOME) Alliance will share insights into the first week of CBD COP16 process with a focus on why geoengineering is a risk to biodiversity and climate, peoples and communities. The Convention on Biological Diversity has been a pioneer in addressing challenges with geoengineering and how it impacts communities...

Stay updated on technologies and developments in Geoengineering Monitor!


Track real-world projects with the Geoengineering Map!


HOME Alliance members speak

“Geoengineering is logically and ethically bad science. They are based on sets of misleading algorithms aimed at profits and control. No one, no matter how powerful, should be permitted to grab the planetary thermostat. Geoengineering is an unacceptable distraction to lock in current destruction production and consumption patterns. Africa cannot afford the risks that geoengineering would offload on her. Our demand is for serious adherence to real climate actions — halt fossil fuels extraction/burning, pay the climate debt and respect the rights of Mother Earth to maintain her cycles without human interference”
Nnimmo Bassey
Health of Mother Earth Foundation
“The urgency of addressing the climate crisis cannot lead to the proliferation of false solutions like geoengineering, which provide a smokescreen for continued fossil fuel extraction, and divert attention from the real solutions already within our grasp. We must continue to mobilize against geoengineering, with the voices of Indigenous Peoples’ and affected peoples leading the way to a more just and sustainable future.”
Sara Shaw
Friends of the Earth International