Hands Off Mother Earth Alliance
Hands Off Mother Earth Alliance
What is geoengineering?
Geoengineering includes many different technologies. They are all risky, speculative and poised to be controlled by superpowers and wealthy corporations. They either attempt to remove already emitted greenhouse cases (CDR) or to reflect incoming sunlight (SRM). None address the root causes of climate change.
Marine geo-engineering
Dumping minerals, creating huge algae blooms and more...
Land-based geo-engineering
Causing massing land-grabs and ecosystem harm...
Atmosphere and space geo-engineering
Dimming the sun by deliberate pollution...
…is the large-scale and intentional, technological manipulation of the Earth’s oceans, land and atmosphere as a technological “fix” to the climate crisis
…does nothing to address greenhouse gas emissions or the root causes of climate change
….is based on the same thinking that have got us into the climate crisis in the first place
…relies on technologies that are risky, speculative and likely to introduce grave new threats
… exacerbates colonialism, inequality and (climate) injustices while growing the power of wealthy elites and corporations
…is a dangerous distraction that undermines real climate action and lets big polluters off the hook
What we need
Proven, real solutions
to the climate crisis
that are gender-just and rights-centred
A deep transformation
and overhaul of the current economic and financial system
Solidarity, equity and justice
at the local, national and global level
What does HOME Alliance do?
Movement building
We mobilise movements across continents. We build power to champion real solutions and counter geoengineering.
We engage in policy spaces — from the local level to United Nations fora — to advocate for effective and precautionary international agreements to oppose the legitimisation of geoenegineering
We build and support campaigns against geoengineering projects and for sound policies and restrictive regulations and governance.
We influence the public discourse by engaging in media and popular education work to counter efforts to normalise geoengineering.